Whether you are looking to get a fresh start in your home or have finally given up on trying to fix up the car you have had since you were twenty, if you are looking to get rid of a junk car in Vienna, VA, it is best that you called Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna. We have been dealing with junk cars for years and have one of the city’s best junk car removal programs. The scoop is Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna pays top dollar for your beater, and we even tow it for free! So, you may be asking yourself what the catch is; well, there is none, and he is why.
The first call
When looking for a junk car removal service, we always suggest calling our team first. We have an entire group of junk car removal specialists that will be able to walk you through the process and provide you with a no-pressure quote for your vehicle over the phone. We are looking at a great used car market these days, and we love paying top dollar to our clients to ensure you can get rid of that junker!
When you call us, we will want to know a few things.
– What is the make, model and year of the vehicle
– What is the accident history of the vehicle, and is it currently in a drivable condition
– If it is not in a drivable condition, are there any liquids we should be aware of, including oil, gas or coolants. As well, where is the vehicle on your property?
With this information, our team will provide you with a pressure-free quote. We use complex software to spit out the quote, but it is based on Kelly Blue Book value and the current trade-in value of cars like yours. We want to be upfront and honest, which is why we give you this quote. If someone else can beat it, we will undoubtedly be surprised. Once we agree on the quote, we can schedule your junk car removal service.
Day of Tow
When our driver arrives on the scene, we will want to take a look and ensure that there are no issues with the tow or recovery. Once the path is clear, we will get to work and get your vehicle on our flatbed tow truck. Once everything is secured, we will get down to paperwork, including the all-important transfer paperwork. As soon as that is all sorted, we will provide that agreed-upon quote in cash, and we are on our way. Yes, it is that simple, and we like it simple here at Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna.
So, if you are looking to get rid of a junker, or need to finally tow that rust bucket off your property in and around Vienna, VA, then it is about time you called Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna. With our great rates and even better service, you will be hard-pressed to find a better junk car removal service in Vienna, VA.
Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna
The first call
When looking for a junk car removal service, we always suggest calling our team first. We have an entire group of junk car removal specialists that will be able to walk you through the process and provide you with a no-pressure quote for your vehicle over the phone. We are looking at a great used car market these days, and we love paying top dollar to our clients to ensure you can get rid of that junker!
When you call us, we will want to know a few things.
– What is the make, model and year of the vehicle
– What is the accident history of the vehicle, and is it currently in a drivable condition
– If it is not in a drivable condition, are there any liquids we should be aware of, including oil, gas or coolants. As well, where is the vehicle on your property?
With this information, our team will provide you with a pressure-free quote. We use complex software to spit out the quote, but it is based on Kelly Blue Book value and the current trade-in value of cars like yours. We want to be upfront and honest, which is why we give you this quote. If someone else can beat it, we will undoubtedly be surprised. Once we agree on the quote, we can schedule your junk car removal service.
Day of Tow
So, if you are looking to get rid of a junker, or need to finally tow that rust bucket off your property in and around Vienna, VA, then it is about time you called Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna. With our great rates and even better service, you will be hard-pressed to find a better junk car removal service in Vienna, VA.
Steve’s Tow Truck of Vienna